ACOG has celebrated the beauty of song for 41 years because of the generous support of our community, especially individual supporters like you! Your tax-deductible contribution will enable ACOG to continue to present innovative and exciting performances. Your contribution will enable us to improve the quality of life in our community by presenting inspirational programs at nursing homes, schools, churches which will encourage others to experience the joy of singing as a perfect tranquilizer for the stresses of life!
Donations and sponsorships received after December 1st will be listed in our Spring Concert Program on Sunday, May 5, 2024. Please call Ms. Cheryl Eldridge at 706.836.9426 for more information or email augustachorale1983@gmail.com.
Concert Presenting Sponsor | $10,000 |
Fortississimo | $2,500 - $9,999 - 10 complimentary tickets per concert |
Fortissimo | $1,000 – $2,499 - 8 complimentary tickets per concert |
Forte | $500 - $999 - 6 complimentary tickets per concert |
Mezzo Forte | $250 - $499 4 complimentary tickets per concert |
Mezzo Piano | $100 - $249 |
Piano | $25 - $99 |
Friends of The Augusta Chorale of Georgia
You are invited to join the Friends of the Augusta Chorale of Georgia. Friends of the Augusta Chorale of Georgia are composed of a diverse group of lovers and supporters of the arts. They volunteer their time, resources, and energies to promote the Augusta Chorale of Georgia. They meet in November and in April to plan their strategy for supporting the Chorale to enhance attendance, publicity, plan receptions, serve as host/hostesses/ushers; and promote arts to the youth in our community. Annual dues are $50.00. Please make checks payable to the Friends of the Augusta Chorale of Georgia and mail completed membership form on the ticket order form and your check to:
The Augusta Chorale of Georgia, P. O. Box 14042, Augusta, GA 30919-0716.
Officers of the Friends
Ms. Beverly Tarver, President